Mr. Rebates

Thursday, November 11, 2010

(Link under Article)

You and I must do everything we can to stop President Obama and the statists in both parties from using the "Lame Duck" session of Congress to pass the rest of their radical agenda.

That's why it is vital you sign this petition to your senators DEMANDING they vote against every big government power grab proposed during the "Lame Duck" session.

After you sign, please make a generous contribution to Campaign for Liberty to get more folks in this fight. Campaign for Liberty operates as government should, meaning we will not go into debt. We are entirely dependent on your ongoing financial support.

"Stop Lame Duck Power Grabs!"
Petition to Congress

Whereas: With numerous media reports discussing the probability of President Obama and the Congressional leadership pursuing a massive Big Government agenda during the "lame duck" session of Congress; and

Whereas: The Cap and Tax scheme would drive already sky-high energy costs through the roof, massively hike taxes on hardworking Americans and give the federal government unprecedented control over the economy; and

Whereas: Tax increases, new bailouts of pet industries and the much-talked-about "second stimulus package" are all designed to siphon away every last bit of wealth from the American people and hand it to our Big Government "benefactors;" and

Whereas: Retirement Account Confiscation allowing the IRS to seize our IRA, 401(k) accounts - claiming the need to "protect" them from their owners - is nothing more than outright theft; and

Whereas: The new DANGEROUS ID Bill would not only allow the government to listen to phone calls and monitor internet accounts, but would mandate Americans get a federally-approved ID card complete with an RFID tracking device; and

Therefore: In the interest of a healthy economy and freedom, I urge you to vote against ANY attempts to raise taxes, increase the deficit or increase Big Government control over the lives of the American people.

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